Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema
Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema
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PrizmViewerListFileThe PrizmViewerListFile element contains the list of images to display, which pages of those images to display, and references to the external image files.

Complex Types

Complex TypeDescription
annotationdefaultstypeAnnotation defaults can be specified for all annotation types. These defaults override user preferences.
annotationserverlisttypeThe annotation server list consists of a list of AnnotationServer elements.
annotationservertypeAn annotation server element consists of an image host name and an annotation server url.
cadtocentrytypeA CAD TOC entry consists of a reference to a CAD file in the image file list.
exportdefaultstypeExport defaults are specified once for the entire listfile.
fontlisttypeA font list consists of a list of Font elements.
fonttypeA Font element consists of the attributes of a font and a name used to associate a font with an attribute specifying a font.
imagefilelisttypeThe image file list consists of a list of ImageFile elements, along with a global annotation server, image settings, page settings, and print settings.
imagefiletypeAn image file consists of a file URI and other attributes and elements that control what pages are displayed and how they are used.
imagesettingslisttypeThe image settings list consists of a list of ImageSettings elements.
imagesettingstypeAn image settings element consist of image settings along with a name used to associate the image settings with an image page, page range, or image file.
pagecounttypeThe PageCount element specifies the number of pages in the image file. This count overrides the actual number of pages in the image file. If this count is more than the actual number of image pages, the extra pages will be added as error pages. If it is less than the actual number of pages, the additional pages will not be displayed.
pagerangetypeThe PageRange element specifies particular page in the image file. If the range contains pages that are outside the range of pages in the image file, those pages will be added as error pages.
pagesettingslisttypeThe page settings list consists of a list of PageSettings elements.
pagesettingstypeA page settings element consists of page settings along with a name used to associate the page settings with an image page, page range, or image file.
pagetypeA page element consists of a page number and other optional attributes.
pdftocentrytypeA PDF TOC entry consists of a reference to a PDF file in the image file list.
printdefaultstypePrinter defaults are specified once for the entire listfile.
printsettingslisttypeThe print settings list consists of a list of PrintSettings elements.
printsettingstypeA print settings element consists of print settings along with a name used to associate the print settings with an image page, page range, or image file.
scriptlisttypeThe script list consists of a list of Script elements.
scripttypeA script is defined by its title and index.
tableofcontentstypeA TableOfContents element consists of a tree composed of table of content entry elements. There are elements for normal entries, inserted PDF entries, and Cad image list entries.
tocentrytypeA normal TOC entry consists of a title element, child table of content elements, and attributes pointing to the associated image page.

Simple Types

Simple TypeDescription
colortypeThe attribute value is set by using the following color format.

The color format consists of three numbers, separated by commas, between the numbers 0 and 255, that specify the red, green, and blue components of the color, respectively.

filltypeThe attribute value is set by using one of the following fill names.
  • A fill type of None shows the background image without modification.
  • A fill type of Opaque shows only the fill color.
  • A fill type of Translucent shows the background image blended with the fill color.
printedimagefittypeThe attribute value is set by using the following names.
  • A fit type of Shrink reduces the image to the paper’s dimensions only when the image is larger than the paper.
  • A fit type of Crop truncates the image to the paper’s dimensions only when the image is larger than the paper.
  • A fit type of GrowOrShrink either expands or reduces an image to the paper’s dimensions. Images that are smaller than the paper are expanded; larger images are reduced.
  • A fit type of GrowOrCrop either expands or truncates an image to the paper’s dimensions. Images that are smaller than the paper are expanded; larger images are truncated.
printedimagetypeThe attribute value is set by using the following names.
  • A print type of OneSheet always prints the image on a single sheet of paper.
  • A print type of OneSheetOrPoster prints the image as a poster if it is eligible. Otherwise, the image is printed on a single sheet of paper.
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